Shishira Ritucharya – II

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for a home.” (Edith Sitwell)

In continuation to our previous post “Shishira Ritucharya – I “, we would now highlight the lifestyle modifications to be made during shishira ritu (late winter). The following table has details of food, regimen and therapeutic procedures to be followed during this season. See where you are going wrong and make amendments to avoid falling sick this winter.

To get a deeper insight into this authentic knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga for wellness and well being, join our course – AYSOL (Ayurvedic and Yogic Style of Living). It is available online and offline.

For more such facts, keep looking into our blogs. If you have any queries you can write back to us or leave a comment and we will make sure to reply back at the earliest.